Photos: Labor Bowl raises $30,000 for Labor Studies and Resource Center nonprofit

Bowlers helped raise over $30,000 for the nonprofit Saint Paul Labor Studies and Resource Center (LSRC) at the 10th Annual Labor Bowl.

Held Aug. 16 at Sun Ray Lanes, the fundraiser supports the nonprofit arm of the Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation. LSRC staff members, part of the AFL-CIO Community Services program, connect union members with emergency resources, and help local unions provide their members with strike and layoff preparation.

Congratulations to the shift winners: Suzanne Kocurek of AFSCME (155), Mark Nicol of the Machinists (215), Jim Hodenfield of IUPAT (259), Kim Schrupp of LIUNA (184), Barb Larson of the Carpenters (182) and Dave Hansen of the Elevator Constructors (226).

Thanks to the bowlers, unions and sponsors who supported Labor Bowl!