
The Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation screens and endorses candidates for local office in its four-county jurisdiction. We also screen candidates for state and federal offices, and recommend candidates for endorsement to the Minnesota AFL-CIO.

Voters can trust labor-endorsed candidates to support collective bargaining, union jobs, quality public services and broadly shared economic prosperity.

Minnesota Legislature special elections

House District 40B (Roseville, Shoreview): David Gottfried

Ramsey County special election

County Board of Commissioners District 3: Garrison McMurtrey
(District 3 includes Falcon Heights and the Saint Paul neighborhoods of Payne/Phalen, North End/South Como, Como Park, Frogtown, Hamline-Midway and St. Anthony Park.)

For information about upcoming special elections – including how to register to vote, how to vote early and what will be on your ballot – visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website.