We build worker power.

The Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation is a powerful voice for union members in the Twin Cities’ East Metro area. As a democratically governed federation of 100-plus affiliate unions, we represent over 50,000 working people in our jurisdiction, which covers Ramsey, Washington, Dakota and Chisago counties. Our elected officers, delegates, volunteers and professional staff build political power for working people. We also deliver solidarity and support to local union members who are fighting for fair treatment, family-supporting wages and a voice in the workplace.

The SPRLF is chartered by the nation’s largest and strongest labor federation, the AFL-CIO, which unites 60 national and international labor unions that represent more than 12.5 million working people. The SPRLF is one of six Area Labor Councils affiliated with the Minnesota AFL-CIO.

Delegates elected to the SPRLF meet on the second Wednesday of each month at the Saint Paul Labor Center, located at 353 West 7th Street. Additionally, our four labor assemblies hold monthly meetings, open all members of affiliated unions, in Ramsey, Dakota, Washington and Chisago counties.

The SPRLF’s nonprofit arm, the St. Paul Labor Studies and Resource Center, is part of the AFL-CIO Community Services program, a longstanding partnership between organized labor and the United Way. Community Services liaisons help local union members facing financial crises access resources in the community, and provide limited financial assistance through the LSRC’s Emergency Fund.

The Saint Paul Union Advocate is the official publication of the SPRLF. The Advocate publishes 10 issues each year, mailed directly to members of our affiliated unions.

Find more information on our organization and processes in the SPRLF Constitution.